Insurance and Internal Support

Services for Citizens and State Agencies

The Division of Insurance and Internal Support provides a variety of services to the public, state agencies, and to the Department of Administration.

Group Insurance, Risk Management and ISIF/Second Injury Fund

The Office of Group Insurance contracts and administers medical, dental, and life insurances; Flexible Spending Accounts, the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), and disability benefits for State employees, retirees and their eligible dependents.

The Risk Management Program acts as the state’s property and casualty insurance manager for state agencies including institutions, boards, commissions, and statutorily authorized entities. Only Risk has the statutory authority to make claim determinations. Risk claims staff members adjust all claims for self-funded plans, and adjust claims within the retentions of commercially insured policies. In addition to handling non-litigated claims, Risk manages and directs the defense of litigation brought against the state arising from covered causes of loss.

The Second Injury Fund, or Industrial Special Indemnity Fund, encourages employers to hire impaired employees by offering employers relief from potential disability liability.

Our Postal Services provides route services for USPS/FedEx/UPS and interagency mail are provided for agencies in the Capitol Mall and in the Boise/Meridian area.

The Capitol Mall Copy Center has state-of-the-art digital equipment, color copier, a variety of text and cover paper, and will custom order stock if requested.

Internal and Small Agency Support

The Department of Administration provides the following services for its units and employees as well as some small State agencies:

Phone: 208.332.1831

  • Financial Services provides financial accounting, analysis, budget preparation, and internal control functions.

Phone: 208.332.1812

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